Tuesday, September 20, 2011

THE COMEDY ERRORS(characters analysis)


Antipholus of Syracuse  -  The twin brother of Antipholus of Ephesus and the son of Egeon; he has been traveling the world with his slave, Dromio of Syracuse, trying to find his long-lost brother and mother
Antipholus of Ephesus  -  The twin brother of Antipholus of Syracuse and the son of Egeon; he is a well-respected merchant in Ephesus and Adriana's husband.
Dromio of Syracuse  -  The bumbling, comical slave of Antipholus of Syracuse. He is the twin brother of Dromio of Ephesus.
Dromio of Ephesus  -  The bumbling, comical slave of Antipholus of Ephesus. He is the Syracusan Dromio's twin brother.
Adriana -  The wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, she is a fierce, jealous woman.
Luciana -  Adriana's unmarried sister and the object of Antipholus of Syracuse's affections.
Solinus -  The Duke of Ephesus; a just but merciful ruler.
Egeon -  A Syracusan merchant, husband of the Abbess (Emilia), and the father of the two Antipholi. He is, like his Syracusan son, in search of the missing half of his family; he has been sentenced to death as the play begins.
Abbess  -  Emilia, the long-lost wife of Egeon and the mother of the two Antipholi.
Balthasar -  A merchant in Syracuse.
Angelo -  A goldsmith in Syracuse and a friend to Antipholus of Ephesus.
Merchant  -  An Ephesian friend of Antipholus of Syracuse.
Second Merchant  -  A tradesman to whom Angelo is in debt.
Doctor Pinch  -  A schoolteacher, conjurer, and would-be exorcist.
Luce  -  Also called Nell. Antipholus of Ephesus' prodigiously fat maid and Dromio of Ephesus' wife.
Courtesan -  An expensive prostitute and friend of Antipholus of Ephesus.

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